System Tables: Job

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This table lists all the jobs in your account and their status. A more useful view of scheduled tasks can be obtains using one of the following tables: Dashboard Scheduled Task, View Schedule Task, View Track Trend Task.


In addition to the common fields, the Job Table includes the following fields


If the most-recent run of this job had failed, this is the error message text.

Error Count

This counts the number of consecutive times that the job failed. This field resets when the job runs successfully. A job that failed 7 times in a row is automatically suspended.

Event Type

This field is not used for user tasks. It’s typically blank.

Last Execution

The date and time of the most recent run of the job. Time zone is EST.

Next Execution

The date and time that the job is scheduled to run at. Time zone is EST.


This field is not used for user tasks. It’s typically blank.


This is a reference to the Schedule in the Schedule table. It provides the parameters of the recurring schedule.


The state is either “active” or “suspended”. Suspended jobs are not scheduled to run.


The name of the Java class for the task. This is one of scheduled view, scheduled dashboard, or track trend.


The user who own this job. The user field is a reference to the user in the user table. You can access fields from that table directly, for example to see dashboard that belong to inactive users, for example.