Glossary of Explore Analytics Terms

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The breadcrumbs show the views that lead to current view and allow you to return to any of these views by clicking on the breadcrumb. To refresh the current view you can click on the right-most breadcrumb.


A chart is a visualization of the data defined by a view.


A favorite is a view that is listed in the user's Favorite menu for quick access. See Managing Favorites.


A filter defines conditions for selecting data to include in the view. You can think of a filter as declaring "select all the rows from the table that meet the following conditions". For example, the filter "hire_date during this year" says that the view will only include rows in which the hire_date is in the current calendar year.

For more information, see Defining a Filter.


When listing objects such as tables, fields, and views, Explore Analytics displays the object's "label". The label may be the same as the name of the object, for example, the view's label defaults to the view name. It may be based on the name, for example, for a field named "hire_date", the label may be automatically set to "Hire Date", simply by replacing "_" with a space and capitalizing the first letter of each word. In most cases, you can change the label to suite your preference or language.


A reference is field with values that uniquely identify rows in another table. For example, an employee table might have a department field with department IDs corresponding to departments in a department table. Such a field allows us to join the employee table with the department table and show fields from both tables. In this example, to get the name of the department for each employee, we can "follow" the reference and select the employee's department name by selecting the name field from the department table.


The Sidebar is the area of the Explore Analytics main page that holds the Favorites and is also used when selecting fields for views.


A view is a presentation of data in the form of a list, a pivot, or a chart. A view is based on a table and can include data from additional tables by following references. The view can include a filter to apply conditions for selecting the rows that are to be included in the view.

A view can be switches between list, pivot, and chart at any time and although it keeps its settings for all three presentations, it can only be of one of these types at any given point in time.

Unless explicitly shared or published, a view is only visible to the user who created it.

Viewing Area

The viewing area is the main part of the Explore Analytics user interface. This is where a view is displayed. It resides below the title bar and right of the sidebar.