Scorecard View from Independent Pivot and Timeline

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For more flexibility, a scorecard can be created using two independent views.

One view, typically a pivot, will calculate the main indicator. This would typically show the current value of the indicator and will show up-to-the-minute information.

The second view, a timeline, will feed the Sparkline to show the trend. Doing so, we don’t need a separate trend table for each scorecard. We can draw the trend from existing data or an existing trend table.

Creating the Scorecard

The first step is identical to [Scorecard View from a Pivot], except when prompted to add a trend to the scorecard, click No. We will add a trend using an existing table in the next step.

Incidents opened today.png

Adding a Trend to the Scorecard

To add the trend, we’ll first create a timeline view. The view can be based on a table from the data source or from an existing trend table. In our example, we’ll create a timeline of incidents opened per day, for the last 90 days up to and including yesterday.

Incidents opened per day.png

Now, let’s add this timeline as a second view to our scorecard.

  • When viewing the scorecard, click on the “Edit Input Views” button
  • Next, you’ll see a list of the input views (currently just one input view)
  • Click on the “Add Input View” button
  • Select the timeline view and add it to the scorecard. You’ll see it listed as input view number 2

Now we can create the Sparkline using this newly added input view.

  • Go back to viewing the scorecard and click the “Edit Scorecard Items” button
  • On the left, you’ll see a list of the possible scorecard items and buttons to edit each item
  • Click on the “Edit” button for Sparkline”
  • In the dialog, select the input view that we added previously
  • Click “Next” and then click “Finish”

You’ll now see that a Sparkline was added to the scorecard using the timeline view

Incidents opened today with sparkline.png

Adding a secondary Indicator

To add a secondary indicator, for example to show the % change from the previous day, follow these steps:

  • Go back to viewing the scorecard and click the “Edit Scorecard Items” button
  • On the left, you’ll see a list of the possible scorecard items and buttons to edit each item
  • Click on the “Edit” button next to “Secondary Indicator 1”
  • For “Input view” select the timeline view
  • For “Calculation” select “Main indicator % change from trend”
  • Change “The value is an improvement when it’s:” to “negative” (this is because we want the number of incidents to decrease)
  • Click “Next” several time and then click “Finish”

Incidents opened today with secondary indicator.png

Adding an Up / Down

To add an up/down arrow, for example to show if the number of incidents opened today is up or down from the previous day, follow these steps:

  • Go back to viewing the scorecard and click the “Edit Scorecard Items” button
  • On the left, you’ll see a list of the possible scorecard items and buttons to edit each item
  • Click on the “Edit” button next to “Up / Down”
  • For “Input view” select the timeline view
  • For “Calculation” select “Main indicator % change from trend”
  • Change “The value is an improvement when it’s:” to “negative” (this is because we want the number of incidents to decrease)
  • Click “Next” several time and then click “Finish”

Incidents opened today with up down.png